06/06/2024 - Wheels in History 2024 MN

Wheels in History 2024 MN

On Sunday, June 30, 2024, Mantua will be the stage for an unmissable event for all vintage car enthusiasts: Wheels in History will make a stop in the historic Lombard city, traversing breathtaking scenarios that highlight both the historical and sporting value of the province of Mantua. This event is a celebration of the passion for automobiles and a unique opportunity to rediscover the beauties of the area.

The cultural initiative, promoted by ACI Mantua, chaired by Alberto Marenghi, in collaboration with ACI Storico and the Club 8Volanti Tazio Nuvolari, with the patronage of the Municipality of San Benedetto PO, renews the values of territorial cohesion, passion for automobile history, and tourism promotion. This year, the participation of GlobalMedia, the Technological Partner of the Tazio Nuvolari Museum, adds an innovative touch: thanks to the webAPP "NIVOLA FOREVER on the road," participants will have access to exclusive digital content, enriching each stage with detailed and engaging information about the territory and local history.

Enthusiasts will have the thrill of traveling the same roads that saw the rise of Tazio Nuvolari, the legendary "Flying Mantuan," an unparalleled champion of world motorsport and President of the Automobile Club Mantua from 1946 to 1953. Traversing these routes will be like taking a step back in time, immersing oneself in the deeds of a myth that has left an indelible mark on the history of motorsport.

The Automobile Club Mantua, with great dedication, organizes automotive events and preserves the Champion's memorabilia in the Tazio Nuvolari Museum, located in the heart of Mantua. This place is not just a collection of historical objects but a true sanctuary that keeps the memory and legacy of Nuvolari alive.

The Mantua leg of Wheels in History not only celebrates an important historical and sporting figure but also passes through evocative locations that enrich our country’s heritage. Among these is the grand Abbey of San Benedetto in Polirone in San Benedetto Po (MN), rebuilt between 1540 and 1545 by Giulio Romano with original and refined architectural solutions. Here, the statues of saints by Antonio Begarelli, known as "the Michelangelo of terracotta," adorn the naves and entrances of the side chapels. Another highlight of the journey will be the visit to the Forte di Pietole in Borgo Virgilio (MN), the birthplace of the poet Virgil, where history and poetry blend in a setting of rare beauty.


Don't miss the opportunity to participate in this unique event. The event program, registration form, and all necessary information are available online: download the PDF. Registration closes on June 28, 2024, and vehicles registered by December 31, 2000, are eligible.

Join us to celebrate history, passion, and the territory, paying tribute to an immortal motorsport legend. Mantua awaits you for an unforgettable experience in the footsteps of Tazio Nuvolari.
